* These are the required properties
* @param {string} secret API private key
* @param {Object} data Data payload
* @param {Object} data.attributes Payload attributes
* @param {number} data.attributes.amount Amount of the refund. A positive integer with minimum amount of 100. See https://developers.paymongo.com/reference/create-a-refund
* @param {string} data.attributes.notes Notes of the refund. You can use this value to save remarks about the refund. The maximum characters is 255.
* @param {string} data.attributes.payment_id The ID of a Payment resource to be refunded.
* @param {string} data.attributes.reason Reason for the refund. Possible values are duplicate, fraudulent, requested_by_customer and others.
* @param {Object} data.attributes.metadata A set of key-value pairs that you can attach to the resource. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. Only string values are accepted.
const result = await paymongo.refunds.create(data);